

- 100 years after the outbreak of WW1 -

Novohrad Cultural Institut ( was reposed from the Self Governing Region Banská Bystrica ( and is a nonprofit contributory organization with an own legal personality.

We help to advance the social scale, culture and adult education. We try to resume the inhabitans regarding of our region culture, also in the way of minorities living in this region. By our multilateral activities we cooperate with divers cultural institutions and associations.

The project V4 STREAM started in year 2013 as a cultural and artistic cooperation between V4 countries - presentational and educational project in multicultural artistic language.

The theme of the project in the year 2014 is the 100 years universary of the outbreak of WW1. We will try to develop our cooperation with our foreign partners from V4 countries and to prepare cultural and educational programs which appeal to every visitor.

The importance of the project has three lines:
1. Cooperation in field culture and art
2. Educational and commemorative events
3. Building of an active cooperating instituonal network

Our partners / Partneri projektu:
- Kalman Mikszath Cultural Center, Balassagyarmat (Hungary) -
- Impuls Hradec Kralove, the centre of amateur culture (Czech republic) -
- Teatr Formy Wroclaw (Poland) -

WW1 / Prvá svetová vojna (28. júl 1914 – 11. november 1918) dramaticky zasiahla a poznamenala životy mnohých ľudí. V nasledujúcom liste Vám priblížime osud jednej slovenskej rodiny. Napísal ho Ján Lajtoš, narodený 7. februára 1879 v Slanej Lehote z otca Pavla Lajtoša – Cienika a Heleny Stanovej. Oženil sa 15. mája 1908 s Pavlínou Kojnokovou nar. 10. januára 1889 v Poltári. V manželstve sa im narodili tri deti: Júlia – 1. apríl 1909, Martin – 25. júl 1912 a Helena – 18. december 1914. Ján Lajtoš padol 8. septembra 1918. Tento list v nárečí napísal svojej žene tesne pred smrťou.

Zdroj.: PhDr. Ján Žilák, CSc.

Project events:

in the period 31.July - 3. August 2014
-traditional festival with 24 years of folklore culture pleasure - performances and workshops.
The rich program of folklor and historical events shows the beauty and soul of the Slovak people in conjunction with the traditions that have survived many a pitfall, including the world war.

Galéria z podujatia - Kokava nad Rimavicou, 31.júl - 3. august 2014.

in the period 22. October - 4. December 2014
- festival of theatre with 24 years of living history - performances and workshops.
Presentation of the work of amateur theatre groups from adults, young people and children. The program includes rich and diverse events - creative artists forums also for visitors, workshops, informal meetings, preformances of amateurs.

Galéria z podujatia - Otvárací happening - Lučenec, 22.október 2014

Galéria z podujatia - Regionálna prehliladka DOS - Lučenec, 8.november 2014

The project is realized with financial support from the Visegrad Fund - Standard grants,